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The Hub goes bowling!

Each term, we like to do at least one activity or event that everyone can get involved in, and due to popular demand we took our young people bowling!

Last year one of our neighbours very kindly gave us a very generous donation towards giving our Hub members the chance to do some fun activities we otherwise would not have been able to do. This blew us a way and was a huge endorsement of the work we are doing.

We took 31 young people, had a game with some pretty impressive scores, some food and time to play in the arcades - and even got everyone together for a photo! Such a great night, they did The Hub and themselves proud with great behaviour.

A massive thank you to our neighbours for the donation, to 1st Claygate Scouts for lending us their mini bus and to the 14 volunteers who helped out / drove and got beaten at bowling by our Hub members...

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